The majority of clover is a perennial weed that endures several growing seasons.
Since clover spreads quickly, you should remove it from your lawn as soon as you see it.
If you don’t want the uninvited clover to destroy the beauty of your lawn, read this blog to learn how to get rid of clover on a lawn without killing it.
Learn More: Guide To Understanding & Managing Different Types of Weeds
Why Do I Have So Much Clover In My Lawn?
Here are the reasons why clover is being attracted to your lawn:
Soil Lacking Nitrogen: Clover grows well in low-nitrogen soil. Moreover, when the soil is compacted and low-quality, clover may thrive.
Improper pH Levels: Clover may grow when the pH level of the soil is high.
Dryness: Clover withstands droughts better than grass, so when the lawn dries, clover may start growing.
Cold Weather: If you live in a chilly, damp climate, clover may grow and suppress weaker grasses.
High Foot Activity: Clover can withstand more foot traffic than many kinds of grass.
How to Get Rid of Clover on a Lawn without Killing It
If you are looking for what kills clover, here are the most effective tips for you:
1. How to Remove Clover from Lawn by Hand
This is a simple do-it-yourself method that kills clover without destroying your grass. As it takes a little longer and more effort and time, this method is best suited for small areas covered with clover. Moreover, clover can sprout from root pieces, so you must remove all the roots.
How To Get Rid of Clover on a Lawn Manually
You will need gloves, a shovel, and a watering container or hose to pluck clover.
Before removing the clover, wet the ground. Or, wait for rain or after you’ve irrigated your garden or grass. When the soil is moist, your job will become hassle-free
To loosen the soil, use the spade. Handle the ground surrounding the clover patch.
Carefully remove the clover plants and extract all of the clover patch’s roots.
2. Apply Nitrogen to Eradicate Clover
You may be familiar with this method if you have a weed problem in your lawn. If you want an answer on how to get rid of clover on a lawn, you can get nitrogen fertilizer.
Since clover can create nitrogen, it has an advantage over low-nitrogen lawns, which causes this weed to flourish.
If you have a small quantity of clover, organic fertilizers may work, but if your grass is overgrown, go for a high-quality, non-slow-release lawn fertilizer.
To learn more about how different fertilizers work, here is a comprehensive guide.
If you want to use at-home recipes for how to get rid of clover on a lawn, you can spot treat clover clumps. You need to combine dish soap and vinegar in a spray bottle. Just be careful not to step on any nearby plants.
For more such natural lawn care strategies, read our blog on Natural Solutions for an Attractive Lawn: Organic Lawn Care 101.
3. Start Mulching
An easy fix for how to get rid of clover on a lawn is to spread a large amount of mulch on a piece of landscape cloth.
The fabric will help prevent the growth of clover, while the mulch will improve the soil surrounding your trees and flowers.
4. Suffocate the Clover
Removing clover from your lawn naturally involves taking away its oxygen and sunlight.
As clover can’t live without air and sunlight, you can take care of it manually by covering it with opaque plastic sheets or a trash bag for a long period.
Leave as little of the surrounding grass exposed as possible.
Bricks or big rocks can anchor the covering’s borders to the ground. After a few weeks, remove the sheets. Once the clover is dead, you can add new seeds to the bare spots.
5. Use Gluten from Corn Meal
The organic peptides released into the soil by corn meal gluten stop clover from growing.
Although this won’t harm already-existing clover, it will selectively stop new seeds from sprouting, so if you are searching for what kills clover, try this method.
When you apply it to your grass, water it immediately and let it dry for a few days. If you want to know how to get rid of clover on a lawn because it keeps coming back, you can repeat this method after a few days.
Remember, if you have reseeded the lawn recently, this may not be the best option for you.
Learn More: Grass Seed Germination: Tips & Techniques For the Best Results
6. Carefully Water Your Lawn
Another easy tip on how to get rid of clover on a lawn is to give it water. Weed seed germination thrives in overly wet turf.
However, that doesn’t mean you should stop watering your lawn. It will only make the situation worse, as it kills your grass and makes the environment more welcoming to weeds.
The type of grass and soil you have will determine how much watering is necessary.
In general, you can water properly once or twice a week. Also, keep checking if the grass is getting dehydrated.
7. Consider Mowing Your Grass
This is another easy method on our list of how to get rid of clover on a lawn.
Clover has short roots and grows low to the ground. Therefore, your taller grass can successfully hide the clover’s exposure to sunlight.
So, you simply need to increase your mower deck and maintain grass that is three inches or taller. This can stop clover from growing and destroying your pretty lawn.
8. Get Broadleaf Herbicides
If you want a solid solution for how to get rid of clover on a lawn, find a broadleaf herbicide.
However, you need to be patient as the greatest results may take a few months.
According to a study, October is the best season to use broadleaf herbicides specifically made for white clover.
For the herbicide treatment to work for white clover, treat grass when there is no chance of rain for at least 24 hours following application.
In addition to that, you must avoid mowing right away before or after applying.
How to get rid of clover mites?
Keep grass away from the base of your house, seal cracks, and install a barrier made of gravel or mulch. To prevent stains, remove mites indoors using a vacuum without crushing them. Use insecticides outside of your house.
How to get rid of clovers in lawns?
Raise the mower blade height on your lawn, fertilize with lots of nitrogen to prevent clover from growing, and use a pesticide that only kills broadleaf weeds. Alternatively, remove clover patches by hand or cover the clover with grass to outcompete it.
Why is my grass covered in so much clover?
Over time, clover and other weeds try to overtake grass that has not received enough water or fertilizer.
Contact Falcons Landscaping to Get Rid of Clovers on Lawn Naturally
This was our list of effective methods on how to get rid of clover on a lawn. Once you’ve eradicated the clover patches, bare spots on your lawn can seem even less appealing than the weeds. You should sow high-quality grass seed and cover it with a thin layer of straw or mulch.
To prevent clover from returning, fertilize and mow your lawn. If the situation is out of control or you need help, you can reach out to Falcons Landscaping.