
Pesticides can harm the environment and human health. If the crop you produce at home grows in a toxic environment, the people who eat it won’t be safe.

The chemical insecticides end up killing the good insects that are needed by the soil, lowering the soil fertility. 

With eco-friendly pest control organic methods, you can go green and manage annoying insects.

If you want your home garden to be away from the detrimental effects of chemicals, our organic pest control tips will do the job for you.

Read More: 6 Easy Gardening Hacks You’ll Regret Not Knowing

7 Organic Pest Control for Garden

a diagram on the methods of organic pest control for garden

Some of the pest control organic recipes on the internet seem far-fetched, and you can’t guarantee their results.

If the doubts creep in every time you think about trying those organic pest control for garden tricks, here are all the recipes that make sense:

1. Basic Pest Control Organic Remedy: Use Mild Soap

Are you dealing with hungry insects like spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, and many more?

Put the mild liquid soap in your pantry to action for pest control organic technique.

To make it into a spray, you need:

  • one and a half teaspoons of soap
  • 4 cups of water 
  • Simply mix these two ingredients together and pour them into a spray bottle.

Don’t apply this mixture to the plants when there is an ongoing exchange of water within the plant and the atmosphere. The hot sunny days leave the plants water-stressed and sensitive.

Thus, use it early in the morning or at night when they are not in their sensitive phase.

To expand your knowledge on organic plant care, read Natural Care Solutions for an Attractive Lawn.

2. Get Diatomaceous Earth Powder

DE contains diatom shells (algae that exist in water) that are millions of years old.

DE has sharp edges that break the exoskeleton of the insects by absorbing all the fats and oils. As a result, they don’t have enough nutrition to survive and eventually die due to dehydration.

It works on bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, beetles, and slugs.

This is another pest control organic method that requires only two ingredients:

  • A powder duster 
  • Food Grade DE

Use the duster to dust the DE powder in your home garden, targeting the places where the bugs have attacked.

For this pest control organic method to be effective, you need to ensure that the powder doesn’t trap moisture. As the powder gets damp, it starts losing its effect.

So, check the rain forecast to guarantee that your hard work doesn’t go down the drain.

3. Kaolin Clay For Squash Plants

If you are a skincare enthusiast, then you would know the importance of kaolin clay in beauty products.

In case you don’t, it is a mineralized powder that sucks up all the oils from the skin.

In an organic pest control for garden remedy it does the same work.

It takes up all the moisture from the insect’s body, killing it over time.

You can either use a shaker bottle or a duster to sprinkle it on the dry foliage (cluster of leaves).

The conditions of application are the same as DE.

4. Neem Oil For Dual Purpose

Regardless of the growth phase of the insect, neem oil won’t spare it.

Neem oil kills two birds with one stone. It is used for pest control and organic techniques and as a fungicide.  

For this organic pest control for garden method, you need:

  • Around 16 glasses of water 
  • Four teaspoons of all-natural virgin neem oil
  • Put the ingredients in the pump bottle and shake them rigorously until they become a mixture.

Keep reshaking as you apply it over the plants. You can spray it all over the plant, including the underside of the leaves.

This will serve as a shield protecting the plants against pests and fungi.

You can apply it on a bi–weekly or weekly basis, depending on how bad the pest invasion is in the lawn.

5. Bacillus thuringiensis 

This pest control organic method uses bacteria. Bt is consumed by the insects, impeding digestion. 

The pests are effectively starved by it. The strain of bacteria will target the particular insect that you have identified.

Finding and recognizing dangerous insects, however, requires considerable expertise. 

How to Use Bacillus thuringiensis:

  • Pick the correct strain 
  • Mix with water that has a balanced pH
  • Leave the concoction for 12 hours
  • Pour it into a spray bottle and apply.

6. Suffocate them with Dormant Oil

Although horticultural oil goes by various names, it is always petroleum-based (paraffin or mineral oil). It functions similarly to other organic choices.

It can be more dense, and plants that are fragile or under stress from drought suffer from petroleum contaminants. 

Additionally, you won’t get the same outcomes as neem oil organic pest control for gardens.

This pest control organic cure is especially for soft-bodied insects.

There may be a problem if these oil mix pesticides leave residue on the plant. 

Note that, as the residue may clog the stomata, it may affect the vegetable development. 

7. Repel the Pests with Garlic Spray 

For this pest control organic, blend two full garlic bulbs in a food processor or blender with a little water to create a garlic spray. 

The pungent smell of the mixture keeps the insects at bay.

After letting the mixture soak overnight, strain it into a jar and fill it with water, a half cup of optional vegetable oil, and a teaspoon of mild liquid detergent. 

One cup of the mixture can dissolved in 4 cups of water.

Apply a generous amount of this DIY organic pest control for affected vegetable garden recipes.

To select the pest control method, diagnose the disease in your lawn.


Are natural, organic, or plant-based insecticides safer than other types of products?

Certain pesticides, such as those authorized for use in organic farming or components like plant oils, have minimal toxicity levels. This isn’t always the case, though. Certain items are equally hazardous, if not more so, than comparable synthetic pesticides.

How can I remove pesticides from produce and fruits?

Produce is better washed under flowing water than dipped. Tougher skins can be scrubbed with a clean brush, while tender vegetables can be rubbed while being held under flowing water. 

What can I use as a bug repellent in my vegetable garden?

You’ll need one tablespoon of dish soap and eight ounces of vegetable oil to make the simplest spray pesticide possible. After thoroughly combining the two, stir in 2 tsp of aromatic oil. For longer-lasting results, you can also decide to add cottonseed oil.

Learn More: Does Salt Kill Grass?

In Conclusion 

These are the pest control organic methods that you can try on your home garden without difficulty. 

All of these tips work as biopesticides for your lawn.

If the pest has plagued your lawn beyond control, call Falcons Landscaping to control the situation becomes inexorable.