
Winter is the time to remain dormant, even for grass, but it is still important to care for it. While the grass will remain low maintenance during this time, we recommend you take some measures to prepare it for the harsh weather.

Your lawn will thank you and gear up to look beautiful in spring. So, if you are looking for the best winter lawn care tips, you have come to the right place.

Our lawn care experts have listed twelve tips to protect your grass in harsh weather.

1. Invest in the Best Winter Lawn Care Products

The best winter lawn care products on grass

Before you begin your winter lawn care, we recommend investing in the best winter lawn care products. These include the following:

  • Winter lawn fertilizer
  • Cool-season grass seeds
  • Shovel
  • Sprinklers
  • Shears for pruning trees in the winter
  • Snowblower
  • Gloves
  • And snow boots

These tools will allow you to work comfortably on your lawn and care for it in the best way possible. Research and find the best winter lawn care products for your specific lawn needs.

2. Reduce Mowing on your Lawn

Some people eliminate lawn mowing during winter, but we don’t recommend that. Instead, a better approach is to shorten the grass, but not too much so that you expose the crown of your plants to extreme weather.

The reason is that if the grass is too short, it will be at risk of damage and stress because of the cold weather conditions. On the other hand, if the grass is too tall, it will become a hiding ground for rodents and other pests.

So, don’t cut out mowing completely from your winter lawn care schedule. Instead, don’t let the grass grow too long for fear of rodent or pest infestation.

3. Rake all the Fallen Leaves from the Autumn Season

Woman raking leaves for winter lawn care

Prepare your lawn before winter strikes by raking all the leaves that fall in autumn. Leaves fall at different times in different places, so it is up to you when you want to rake them. Don’t skip this step because snow or rain might make all the leaves wet in winter, which will be even more difficult to clean up.

On the other hand, if you let it be, it can lead to water buildup, pest infestation, fungal growth, and much more.

You can also follow our fall lawn care checklist to ensure your grass is ready for the winter.

So, drag a rake over the lawn for winter lawn care to ensure your lawn is clean and ready for the harsh weather.

4. Apply Winter Fertilizer to the Lawn

Invest in the best winter lawn fertilizer and apply it using a spreader. Move the machine back and forth on your lawn and grip the handle like a trigger.

The spreader will then release the pellets as you shoot the trigger. We recommend you follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for your winter lawn care.

Apply the amount the package recommends, and make sure you don’t use too much of it. Excess fertilizer can burn your grass, ruining your lawn and its appearance.

5. Learn How to Aerate Lawn in Winter

A man operating an aeration machine on winter grass

Your winter lawn care will be incomplete without aerating the lawn properly. Early fall is the best time to aerate your cool-season grass.

When you aerate the grass this early, before winter, it gives the lawn a few weeks to recover and grow before the season’s first frost.

You can also spread the fertilizer after you are done aerating. It will help the lawn recover even better.

6. Spread Cool-Weather Seeds on the Grass

For optimal winter lawn care, we recommend you purchase grass seed that says “cool-weather or season” on the package. We recommend sprinkling these new grass seeds with the spreader you utilized for the fertilizer.

One thing we recommend during this process is to spread the seeds evenly. Such evenness will ensure that the grass doesn’t form clumps in the winter season.

7. Set your Sprinkler for Winter Lawn Watering

A man adjusting lawn sprinkler for winter lawn care

Revise your irrigation schedule for the winter season. If you have an automated sprinkler system, then this becomes even more important in the winter season.

Lawns typically become dormant during the winter season and don’t require irrigation. We recommend you cut back on your watering schedule to conserve water.

On the other hand, the harsh winter temperature will also reduce the need for your lawn to be watered. So, think about the watering needs of your lawn in winter, and then make a reasonable judgment as to what you should do.

8. Avoid Heavy Foot Traffic on the Lawn

People tend to forget that you shouldn’t walk too much on grass it is short. Winter time is when lawns are dormant, so we recommend avoiding heavy foot traffic for winter lawn care.

Grass is resilient but will take longer to recover if you keep wearing it down with foot traffic. On the other hand, the weather also makes the soil vulnerable to various issues, such as compaction.

Because of this, it is best to let your lawn remain the way it is as part of your winter garden lawn care.

9. Clear Ice and Snow from the Lawn

When you search online for ice and slow-clearing methods, you will find the best winter lawn care products that promise you a clean lawn.

However, our experts recommend conducting extensive research before investing in a product that promises to clear ice and snow from your lawn.

Ice and snow melters can potentially damage your lawn. Read the labels on the product, and don’t invest in anything with too many chemicals.

There are also organic lawn care options that will help you clear your lawn of snow without causing any damage. If you don’t want to use this route, you can use a shovel to clear snow from the lawn.

10. Remove the Weeds

As part of your winter lawn care, you must take preventive measures in the fall to keep your lawn pristine. You can treat your lawn with a herbicide in early fall to take care of cool-season weeds.

Remember that this will work best if you have a cool-season lawn. By next spring, you will not have to work too hard to keep the weeds at bay, as it will reduce the number of weeds automatically.

11. Stick to a Lawn Care Schedule

A lawn care schedule for every season

You must stick to a winter lawn care schedule. Creating a schedule will give you direction on how to effectively implement lawn care.

You can read more about a lawn care schedule on this blog to create the perfect one for your lawn care requirements.

12. Prepare it for Spring Lawn Care

Taking some preventative measures in your winter lawn care schedule will keep your lawn ready for spring and avoid extra work.

For example, spring weeds begin growing on the lawn during winter. Because of this, it is important to take care of this issue in winter so your lawn looks lush and clean by spring.

So, before winter ends, apply some preventive measures to your lawn and enjoy a lush green lawn in spring.


What should I put on my lawn in the winter?

Put fertilizers and cool-season grass on your lawn in the winter. This will help the grass store important nutrients and grow healthy by the time it is spring. Both these steps are crucial to keep your yard healthy during winter.

What is the best fertilizer for winter?

There are various fertilizers you can use in the winter. However, the best one for your lawn will depend on the type of grass you have and the weather you receive in your region.

Which grass grows best in winter?

Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and red fescues grow best in winter. They can tolerate the harsh weather incredibly well, so you can add this grass to your winter lawn care schedule.

What is the best lawn fertilizer ratio for winter?

Nitrogen is essential for winter lawn fertilizer. Other than that, the fertilizer must also include potassium for the best results. Our experts recommend a 1:2 or 2:1 nitrogen-to-potassium ratio for winter fertilization.

Final Thoughts

These are the top twelve tips you can follow for winter lawn care. Follow these measures and create a low-maintenance schedule to keep your grass happy even while it is dormant.

However, if you don’t want to do this yourself, you can hire our lawn care experts to prepare your lawn for the winter. For more information on our lawn care services in Toronto, please feel free to contact our team today.